Wednesday, February 8, 2017

triptych photos



Necklace with pieces on it = Has a piece on it that was a gift which represents my love for someone
Face towards the necklace = represents my thoughts about that loved one and what they mean to me
Speak book = represents that these pictures are something I want to say but am having trouble speaking into words
Duffle bag and backpack = I included these items to show how i'm ready to leave this place, this town and go on my way
Money in hand = to show that I am capable of taking care of myself 
Pounding on wall leading to shattered glass =This represents the way my parents would feel about me wanting to leave at 17 with someone else


Before starting this class, I barely had any knowledge of how to work a digital camera outside of my phone camera. I've had a nikon camera for over four years, but never really knew how to use it. So in taking this class, I got to become more acquainted with my camera and am now able to take pretty good photos. With making this piece, I had already had an idea of what to do right off the bat, because for the past week I was thinking about this one thing I wish I could tell my parents but can't tell them, or at least I can't tell them yet until I'm really sure about it. This project gave me the opportunity to say what I wanted to say through these pictures even if no one understands. These pictures tell the story of how I have found someone special in my life who is moving away this summer. And I can't picture myself away from them, so I want to move with them, but am only 17. So I show myself packing and then standing holding money as if to say, I won't back down and am capable of taking care of myself. And how I will fight for what I want and to keep this love alive even if my parents are against it wanting to shatter what i'm fighting for. How I am gong to speak and they are going to finally listen and understand me for once.

It definitely took a lot of tries to get the pictures lighting just right along with figuring out what position I wanted to be in. For example in the first picture, where I'm sitting on a chair with my legs crossed and my hands out holding my necklace. The window in the background kept messing with the lighting and making me appear darker than I wanted to. Lots of things have changed with me since the beginning of class. If you would have given me this project in September, then it would have been totally different. It wouldn't have been a love story, but instead most likely a story of the ones i've lost in my life. So I've changed in that aspect, change in feelings and change in whats most important in my life.

What was different about my pictures as compared to others, is what went through my mind while making this. Everyones thoughts and feelings about what they made will be different since it's their own work. Some will be happy and cheerful and some will be sad or mortifying, and some may be a mix of feelings. Each and every person just telling their own story in hopes of someone understanding even just a little bit. I think thats why pictures are important, because sometimes they speak louder than words ever could. They help display emotions and feelings. If I were to grade mine I wouldn't be able to. I don't understand how you could ever put a grade on a piece of art. Grades don't belong to emotions and feelings, grades belong to how well you can spit out facts that were shoved down your throat by the school. So my piece of art is gradeless and should stay that way. Just like saying humans are priceless. 

One thing i'd like to improve on would be being able to convey my feelings and emotions in a somewhat better way in pictures. As well as trying to capture others emotions. If I had a chance to redo or fix anything in these pictures, it would be to make the shattering glass look more believable. Also, making the last picture be of me standing on my front porch instead of me in my room(it was raining so I couldn't).